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NEW! Leadership & Life Chat - You've Got the Power!

Welcome to the first episode in our new series! There will be three different episode styles in this new series, our expert guest interviews, special bitesize gems, and these deep dive episodes. James and Mark will be ‘deep diving’ into a specific topic each week. If you were a listener of Impromptu Business Chat, you’ll be familiar with their casual, fun and informative discussions. Now they’ll be focusing on how listeners can further put the advice and themes they explore into action.

This week, they examine our own perceptions of why things happen in our lives, whether we think we can control them, and how it informs our behaviour. With a focus on the well-known psychological theory ‘Locus of Control’ they discuss the importance of learning to focus on what we can influence, and not what we can’t, like the weather! They look at our power of embracing failure, monitoring our own language and how to spot our own personal triggers ahead of time. Are you a victim, or do you take responsibility? Developing our own locus of control can help build stronger relationships, be that with our families, customers or our teams. How you cope in times of stress can have a huge impact on your overall wellbeing, so let’s see how you can find the power to take control and create positive change…

GET IN TOUCH! Leave us a voice note here, we would love to hear your thoughts on today’s episode, and you might even feature in our next episode!

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You can also watch us now on YouTube too! 

Show Notes:

Read more about Psychologist John Rotter’s Locus of Control theory here

Change Success diagnostic


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© Larking Gowen LLP



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