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Leadership & Life Chat - Power of public speaking with Andrew Brammer

Public speaking is often cited as one of our biggest fears, feared more than death itself. But what if you can hone your skills and combat your fears? Is it worth the effort? Andrew Brammer is a global award-winning public speaker and fellow podcaster, who believes passionately in the power of public speaking, and the wider benefits that your new-found confidence can bring to all aspects of your life.

Andrew is also the author of both Talking the Talk, and Telling the Tale, and in this episode reflects on the themes of his career and life as a storyteller that form the basis of his books. He talks to James and Mark about how and why he conquered his fear of public speaking and developed his skills. He addresses how to cope with hecklers and the fear of failure; finding the beauty in your mistakes; managing Q&A’s; the key constructs of a powerful presentation; and how storytelling is the key. He talks around the four types of conflict that make up stories, evidenced and reflected in all our favourite movies!

Andrew joined the US organisation Toastmasters, which is an internationally recognised public speaking group, and learnt how to craft stories that could engage audiences in their hundreds. He has even sold out his own one-man theatre shows, touring around the UK.

Andrew grew up as working class, with no interest in business, but fell into manufacturing and learnt quickly how NOT to manage people. This inspired him into pursuing a career in management and he is now Director of PSS Steering and Hydraulics. His experience ‘on stage’ and personal commitment to putting the work and time into developing himself through his public speaking, meant he developed the emotional connection skills needed to succeed in a sales-based role.

Whether that’s selling yourself, a service or a product, connecting with your audience and aligning a feeling with ‘your brand’ is paramount to success, and this can apply to both business or our pursuit of personal happiness.

Show notes:

Stumpy Sanderson podcast on Spotify

Stumpy Sanderson 1970s Facebook

PSS Steering and Hydraulics


•Talking the Talk
•Telling the Tale
•Kennedy – Ted Sorensen – John F. Kennedy’s speech writer


•Jaws – Spielberg is a master of conflict – man v monster, man v man, man v himself, man v society
•Apollo 11 – documentary film by NASA – humans working together, look at what we can achieve

© Larking Gowen LLP



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